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Using Minoxidil against hair loss. A new way of writing a diary.

October 13, 2024.

During breakfast with Julia, a wasp flew in through the open kitchen window. A few days ago, I learned not to shoo them away. Julia didn't either; in fact, she even gave it some of her breakfast porridge. I find that wonderful! Sharing with other living beings on this Earth is a beautiful gesture. 🐝

After breakfast, I went to the Espresso House. The sun is shining, but it's windy. I'm feeling a bit mixed right now. On one hand, I enjoy the time with Julia, but on the other, I often feel a bit confined after spending a day with someone else. Additionally, I feel that familiar sense of sadness when my favorite person has to leave—it reminds me of saying goodbye to my father. This clouds my mood a bit.

Julia brought up her unmet needs, and when she does that, I sometimes feel guilty, as if I'm responsible for fulfilling her needs. But then I remind myself that it's not my responsibility. One person can't meet ALL of another's needs. That's not my job, and I shouldn't feel guilty if I can't fulfill a particular need Julia has, even if she wishes I could.

Julia also pointed out the flakes in my eyebrows. Oh man... winter and the cold weather are coming, and with that, the appearance of flakes on my face increases. Germany doesn't seem like the ideal place for me to live in a way that's best for my health. I need the sun to stay healthy. ☀️ Maybe one day I should move south and go back to eating salmon and fried eggs, things I used to find so delicious before becoming vegan. 🤤 Enjoying the sunshine in Hildesheim

At Espresso House, I edited all the diary entries that mentioned Julia and removed a lot of information about her, as she wanted. Although I find it a bit unfortunate since it makes the entries lose some of their vibrancy, I, of course, respect her wishes. On the other hand, I see it as a good exercise to write the diary in a way that remains interesting while still protecting the privacy of others. Espresso House

In the afternoon, I was back home, and it started raining. 🌧️ The weather matched my rather gloomy mood. Mom picked me up, and we drove to my sister and Tobi's place for coffee. Since my only pair of pants was still wet from being washed earlier, I just went along in my long merino wool underwear. 😄

Three hours later...

I am speechless about what I found out today. But on another note: Tobi gave me a bottle of Minoxidil, which is supposed to help with genetic hair loss. I’ll try it on the back of my head and see if it makes any difference. Trying Minoxidil

Now, in the evening, I reflected on the removal of Julia's information from the diary, and I've realized that this will help me grow personally. The deletion pushes me towards a new style of writing, one that focuses much more on my own experiences and inner world, while also relieving me of the worry of violating other people's privacy. On that note, see you tomorrow!

Today, I am grateful for:
  • That Tobias introduced me to a possible solution for my hair loss.
  • That I removed details about Julia from the diary.
  • That the sun was out this morning.
  • For an evening with my family