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January 15, 2024: Weekly work plan. Sweatpants upgrade. Lesbian Anna and Marie the vet

January 15, 2024. I woke up at 7:43 AM because someone locked the door. I feel very motivated. Don't want to sleep anymore. I dreamed of Jule inviting me to Hude. But I told her, I don't want to kiss, I just want sex.

During my short morning exercise routine (sit-ups, push-ups, squats), I listened to my personal affirmation that I have to implement next month.

At 8:30 AM, I was in the library. Damn. Of all the lockers, mine was taken, even though all the others around it were open. Oops, a negative thought, shot through my mind. I immediately applied the thought reversal method: "Oh, it's good that my locker is taken, so I can train my memory and lock my stuff in another locker."

Upstairs in the library, there was only one table occupied by two men and a woman who were always there on the weekends and whenever I was there.

I sat at my regular table and dedicated myself to creating my weekly work plan, which I must always follow. Because I already know that to be as efficient as possible, one should jump from one task to another as little as possible. So, avoid multitasking. Each day of the week is assigned a specific task.

Monday - Create a physics article/video until 11:00 AM. Note: First, I learn a physics topic (if I don't know it well yet). Then I write an article about it in a text program (which will later become an eBook), then transfer it to the website, then make a video out of it. Let's call this workflow "creating a lesson."

During the break until max 12:00, you can eat, listen to affirmations, take a walk, or drink tea in HanoMacke. Then continue "creating a lesson" until 2:00 PM. After that, take a small break for a maximum of half an hour. From 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM, work. Then take a bigger break until 6:00 PM. During this time, eat. From 6:00 PM onwards, I am free. I can continue writing lessons until 9:00 PM, but I can also read a book, talk to women, or do other things.

It started to snow heavily outside.

Tuesday - Create a lesson (like Monday)

Wednesday - Create a lesson (like Monday)

Thursday - Create a lesson (like Monday)

Friday - The same workflow as "creating a lesson," but instead of writing about physics, I write about my life, i.e., continue writing "My Public Diary" or create personal videos on my minimalism channel. Let's call this task type "self-marketing."

Saturday - Flex day: Finish unfinished tasks (like finishing a book) or self-care, reading, walking, reflection, sex, outing, sports, family day.

Sunday - Pure leisure: A self-care, reading, walking, sex, outing, sports, family day.

The plan I have set up is not set in stone. I can adjust or optimize it to my current life circumstances if I find that a change can make me even more efficient.

I also signed up for an external Hatha yoga course at the university sports center. It takes place on Saturdays from 10:30 to 11:30 AM. I specifically chose a Saturday so that the course does not interfere with my work plan. The 90 euros are worth it to me to do something for my health and to potentially meet new girlfriends.

At 9:25 AM, my heart starts racing. A bit of anxiety. I saw the brunette from before who sat a few tables away. I stand up and go to her. I sit next to her on a chair.

»Hey, you! You smiled at me downstairs in the library that one time.«

»Really, I don't remember.«

»It was also in the summer. I couldn't forget your smile.«

She smiles.

»What's your name?«

»Marie, and you?«

»Alexander.« We shake hands.

»Would you like to go for a quick coffee date at 11 in the HanoMacke?«

»Yeah, why not?«

»Perfect. I'll pick you up at 11.«

Then I went back to my table. There were many women sitting at my table. At 11, I went back to Marie and we went to the HanoMacke together. We had coffee and played a get-to-know-you game on the sofa.

She is studying veterinary medicine and is currently learning about reproduction for her state exams. She lives with two guys. She is even friends with one of them and they watch Netflix together on her couch. When I heard that, I thought: I would like to do that with you too, Marie.

Our date lasted about an hour. Then Marie went back to the library. I ate three bananas and then went back to the library too.

In the elevator, I encountered a blonde student with two braids, wearing tight, hot leggings and a sweater that was somehow fuzzy. Maybe she has a hairy pet? Somehow I didn't dare to talk to her, because to our right stood two huge, bearded southerners full of testosterone. They didn't really intimidate me, but they did diminish my courage a bit.

This cowardice on my part will bother me during the next two hours of focused work. I also forgot to look deeply into her eyes. I did look at her, but not in a way that she would realize I desired her.

It's 1:06 PM. I feel like I'm losing the motivation to write. But I have to stick to the work plan until 2 PM, no matter what. At 1:30 PM, I finished the chapter on symmetric and antisymmetric tensors. But I still struggled through the next half hour until the break.

At 2:30 PM, I took a break in HanoMacke. I sat on the sofa, drinking rooibos vanilla tea and eating a roll. In front of me, on the sofa next to mine, sat a brunette with shoulder-length hair, which she kept pushing back with her hand. She occasionally looked at her phone and sometimes just around the place. I wondered where I had seen her before. While looking at her, I chewed on my roll. Suddenly, our eyes met. We looked at each other for a few seconds. She was the first to break eye contact. She didn't smile at me.

I didn't know how to interpret her behavior. Was she interested or not? She seemed interested, but also not. Another student sat on the sofa in front of me, blocking my view of my object of desire.

After finishing my rolls, I took my already steeped tea and approached her, kneeling in front of the sofa's backrest to get her attention.

»I think I've seen you in the library before,« I said, looking deeply into her eyes.

»That could be. I'm there regularly.«

»What's your name?«

»Anna, and yours?«

»Alexander.« We shook hands and I wanted to sit next to her on the sofa. She moved her things so there was space beside her on the sofa.

We sat very close to each other. Our knees touched. I didn't take my eyes off her sparkling brown eyes, except when I took a sip of tea.

During the conversation, she touched my shoulder and laughed when I said, »I can shave my beard off, then I'll look like a woman.«

»I'm super jealous of your beard,« she said, running her finger over it.

Anna was a lesbian. She told me how she recognized other lesbians by the way they walked, behaved, and dressed.

I, the physicist, was just what she needed because she was looking for someone to recommend a professor for her master's thesis, whom she could ask about physics and philosophy. I recommended Prof. Frisch, my former philosophy professor from my elective module. We talked for about half an hour.

»Uh, I can't take too long of a break. I have a big presentation for my master's thesis on Friday, and I don't even know the topic yet. I still have a lot to do,« she laughed.

»I've overextended my break too,« I replied, and we both stood up. She was a bit taller than me, but only because she was wearing black boots with thick soles.

She spread her arms and came towards me. We hugged each other tightly. It was a nice, genuine hug. I took my cup back to the counter and waved to Anna once more.

At 3:11 PM, I was back on the fourth floor. The student sitting at the table in front of me, who had her back to me, stood up and left. Someone else immediately took her place. I looked up to see who it was. The student turned over her shoulder at the same moment and nodded at me. It was Anna from earlier.

»Hey,« I whispered to her. She whispered back, Hey.

She probably would have sat next to me if there had been a free seat at my table. But the library was full. Everyone was studying for the upcoming exams.

The man who had been sitting in front of me left to take a break. Now I could see Anna's back. She was wearing a black top that looked like a shirt and interesting gray leggings. A gray scarf. On the windowsill stood her plastic water bottle, without a label. She probably used the bottle regularly. On the table lay a black mouse and a pen with a red cap and a stack of three books with a light brown case on top.

Everything feels like a dream. It's as if I've become a completely different person from one day to the next. I feel wonderful. I'm not overly happy, but I feel a complete sense of contentment.

As the clock approached 4 PM, the time I had for leisure, I noticed that I always felt the urge to distance myself from the people I had just met.

»What a bad habit,« I thought. I won't do that. I'll stay here. I have to make up for the extended break anyway. So I'll stay until 5 PM. Only then did I go into the city, approached the remaining 3 out of 5 women, and discovered the perfect jogging pants at H&M to replace my annoying, linty ones.

At 9 PM, my laptop shut down. Before that, I listened to my affirmation again to internalize it even more. I had fulfilled all the points I wanted to accomplish today. I'm proud of myself!

Health Analysis:
  • Bowel movements: 6 PM (solid, very smelly in the evening, lots of gas), 9 PM (solid, smelly).
  • Food: 11:50 AM (three bananas), 2:10 PM (guava, dragon fruit smoothie), 2:15 PM (a potato roll, a spelt roll), 7:20 PM (spinach with cucumber, flaxseeds, flax oil, and hummus-baked peas from Rossmann, then about 300g of peanut butter).
  • Physical feeling: Stomach noises in the morning. Dark circles under the eyes. Slight nausea in the evening after peanut butter.
  • Mood: 9/10 in the morning after waking up. 8/10 in the library. 9/10 after the date with Marie. 10/10 after the conversation with Anna.
  • Physical changes: Dandruff around the eyebrows.

Microchange: Replaced jogging pants. FINALLY no more lint (unfortunately, still), finally no more objects falling out of pockets, finally the pants fit at the waist.