Telepathy Basics. Spiritual Clothing?
October 26, 2024.
Hello, I woke up at 1:30 a.m. because I needed to use the bathroom, then at 6:00 a.m. because it was cold, and shortly after eight, I was fully awake. I went to bed around 8:30 p.m. and fell asleep while listening to a podcast.
From the JWR podcast with Dieter Roeskens, I learned that telepathy works best when strong emotions are involved. The more intensely I feel an emotion, such as love, the more likely it is that the person to whom I want to send the message will receive it.
During my morning scalp and hair massage with my hands, I realized another crucial advantage of using my hands over a comb or brush: the connection between the microbiome on my hands and the microbiome on my scalp! If I were to use a brush or comb, this symbiosis between the microbiomes on my hands and scalp would be lost. This has motivated me to continue using my hands to tidy my hair and to get so skilled at it that I can do it better with my hands than with a comb or brush.
I sat on the balcony to soak up the sun while reading the first pages of Eckhart Tolle’s book. I am so glad I bought this book, as it allows me to highlight and comment on what I find particularly important, helping me internalize the content. What strikes me about the book is that it doesn’t simply convey knowledge but acts like a doorway to a new state of consciousness. With each page I read, I feel a kind of awakening within me.
On a walk to the store to buy new East Frisian tea, I noticed that I feel less irritated by cars when I adopt the perspective that the world is one and everything around me is part of me. Normally, I’m very sensitive to car noises and often get irritated because of it. I usually don’t feel much sympathy toward drivers, either. But with this new perspective, I can feel the difference.
I continued exploring telepathy (I didn’t want to devour Eckhart Tolle’s book too quickly). Here’s what I learned:
- Telepathy can occur consciously or unconsciously, but it is happening all the time.
- The sender should clearly formulate the thought they want to send and "shout it in mind."
- A fitting image should accompany the thought being sent.
- Alongside the image, an appropriate feeling for the thought should also be generated.
- The recipient of the telepathic message may receive it in the form of images, emotions, words, or sentences.
- In the Alpha brainwave state (slightly sleepy, daydreamy, or relaxed), I can better send and receive telepathic messages.
- When receiving, pay close attention to which images come to mind.
- Planet Earth "vibrates" at the Schumann frequency of about 8 Hz. You perceive it when spending time in nature without technology.
- A sense of connectedness with everything enhances telepathic ability.
- Adrenaline and stress levels should be lowered.
- Telepathy can be practiced well in pairs using a deck of cards.
Of course, I tried out what I learned. I sent a message to a person I won’t reveal, and I did another exercise: I imagined that a ladybug would land on me and tried to feel love for it. Shortly afterward, a ladybug actually landed on my T-shirt. I heard its faint flutter, opened my eyes, looked down at my chest, and saw the ladybug. As I looked at it, it flew away again.
Through these exercises, as a physicist, I naturally aim to figure out whether certain rules or laws can be extracted when sending telepathic messages, so that telepathy becomes accessible to „others“ and ALWAYS works.
Yesterday’s meditation opened my eyes to the unity of the world. Who am I? I am you! And you are me. We are consciousness. We are one. It doesn’t matter what I studied, what degree I have, or when I was born. In this new consciousness, I don’t want to identify with those things, because they don’t even come close to describing who I truly am. In line with this new understanding, I’ve also updated the description about myself on this website.
I envision this new consciousness like the Internet: Our bodies are like computers, merely a means to access this “Internet.” We are not the computers. We are the Internet.
Today, I also came across the topic of spiritual clothing. For example, tight pants like jeans for men can cause friction in the genital area and thus stimulate the release of sexual hormones. With such constant, subtle arousal, you become energetically drained.
When I heard this, I had to laugh – an argument against tight pants I’d never heard before! 🤯 Or that black clothing absorbs everything around it, not just light. If you are emotionally unstable and take everything people say about you to heart, black is the least favorable color. On the other hand, black clothing allows for a more intense energetic perception of the surroundings. I realize now that I have so much to learn about clothing!
Until tomorrow! 😍
Today, I am grateful for:
- Discovering spiritual clothing.
- Learning more about telepathy.
- Successfully communicating telepathically with a ladybug.